Wednesday, February 22, 2006

don't hate me because i'm beautiful

kelly lebrock. we all remember her emerging from the dry ice machine produced smoke cloud in the nerd's bedroom in "weird science". whether we were boys or girls, cats dogs or pet gerbils, we all stared at her image with absolute lust. kelly lebrock was the most beautiful woman on the face of the planet, complete with high self esteem and effortless comedic timing. she was IT.

now, 20 plus years later she is on celebrity fit club because she apparently let herself go. can i just say that i would give one of my opposable thumbs for her BEFORE picture? ms. lebrock's body after letting herself go is my DREAM body, i kid you not.

i think i've mentioned before that i have no interest in being skinny. i like meat on the bones. as they say, bone is for the dog but meat is for the man.

sexist as that may be, it makes me proud to have meat. sometimes sexism can be really great for the self esteem, you know?

so, here's to kelly lebrock's rockin' before-picture bod-- may i achieve something close to it. and here's to a healthy dose of good, old fashioned sexism-- may we feel like hot chicks once in a while because of/in spite of it.

whole grains and chazzy,


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